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Car Flips on Roof

A car flipped over onto its roof while driving across the Courtney Campbell Causeway on August 26, 2016 in the morning.

Photo by Bay News 9, Tampa

Since there does not appear to be a second vehicle involved in this crash, the most likely scenario is that this driver of this car accidentally struck the center concrete barrier and flipped. As you can imagine, this presents a precarious situation for the driver as the car easily could have bounced into the guardrail on the edge and perhaps flipped over into the water. Without damage to another vehicle that would indicate an improper change of lane or some other traffic infraction, the most likely cause of this accident is distracted driving. Use of a cell phone to change streaming music stations, find a destination on Google Maps, or receive email messages are all unfortunately not violations of Florida's Ban on Texting and Driving Law found in section 316.505, Florida statutes. To be a violation, a driver would have to manually type or enter multiple characters into a wireless device for purposes of interpersonal communication. Therefore, merely reading email behind the wheel of a vehicle is not a traffic citation, however, responding to one is a violation (due to the part about manually typing or entering characters). It is less clear whether the use of Siri, Cortana, or voice recognition to text or respond to an email would be a violation of the law. Regardless, the best practice is to avoid the use of such devices while driving a car. The Florida Legislature may want to revisit the idea of whether the texting and driving law should be more general to prohibit distraction by any such device while driving.

If you or someone you know has been injured in a Central Florida car accident, please contact a car accident attorney in Central Florida for a free case evaluation. Our practice involves all Florida counties.



(863) 221-2373




Monday - Friday: 9am - 5pm

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Lakeland, Florida 33805

Russo Law, P.A.



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Christopher Russo, Lakeland Bar Association Member
Christopher Russo, Top 100 Trial Lawyers
Florida Justice Association
American Association for Justice
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