Lakeland Man Dies in I-4 Car Accident
Matthew Lind, a 32-year-old resident of Lakeland, Florida, died as a result of a car accident on Interstate-4 near Interstate-75 in...

Care on Interstate-4 Explodes Into Flames
A car in the eastbound lanes of Interstate-4 burst into flames near State Road 535. The vehicle does appear to have been in an accident...

2016 Highway Deaths Greater Than in Years Past
The National Safety Council (NSC) reports that a total of 19,100 deaths occurred on U.S. highways in the first six months of 2016...

Six Vehicle Accident on I-4
Two people suffered serious injuries in an accident on Interstate-4 at approximately 1:30 p.m. on Saturday. The accident happened in the...

Car Hanging from Bridge
Lucilinda Quiles was driving 2015 Mazda on SR 408 when she moved out of the left lane, into the grass median, and then struck a barrier...

Passenger Fatality on U.S. 301
Leonard Pasco died of injuries suffered while as a passenger in a car accident. This collision happened as James Diggins was driving his...

Fiery Crash on I-275
Two cars burned in a fire after an accident on I-275 near Tampa on Saturday morning. The accident happened when a police officer stopped...

Lake Wales Bicycle Accident
Li Shangying was struck and killed while riding a bicycle eastbound on Chalet Suzanne Road in Lake Wales, Florida. Shangying was 63...

Two Vehicle Accident on SR520
Two cars were involved in an accident on State Road 520 at the interchange with State Road 528. The accident happened at approximately...

Pickup Truck Accident With Trailer
A pickup truck pulling a trailer on State Road 429 near mile marker 26 was involved in an accident. The trailer separated from the...